Tuesday, March 10, 2009

641 Home Brew Recipes

So.. if you're thinking to start making your own beer, get drunk every day, and save tons of money, after long hours of research I found someone that could finally help you out, it did help me out to. And I'm not talking about a credit card to finance your beer spending funds, I'm talking about a whopping 641 cool recipes to finally make your own beer with minimal investment.

Money is a concern for just about everybody. While making beer is cheap, buying the initial equipment is not necessarily the cheapest part. This can run under $100, to over $500. That is a big chunk of money when you live on a budget. Here are some tips I have learned over time to help save money. These methods can be used by anybody to save money. You will find these especially useful if you don't have any equipment yet, and want to get it very affordable.

Find out more!